I already got back to Toronto on last weekend. It was nice trip. There, multicultural city in America is so powerful and active and interesting. I could have many good photos. I'm going to write some diary gradually.
This photo was taken from Blooklyn Bridge that is one of the poplar sightseeing spot in NY. It's connected to south of Manhattan. South of Manhattan is famous for Wall Street. We can pass this bridge by walking. But I passed by rental bicycle. This bridge is so long, then passing by walking will be taken long time.
この写真は人気の観光スポットの一つのブルックリンブリッジから。この橋はWall Streetで有名なマンハッタンの南側に繋がってます。歩いて渡れます。でもレンタル自転車で渡りました。とても長い橋なので、歩いて渡るとだいぶ時間かかるかも(ここらへんの英語微妙w 日本語も大したことないけど)