This ten days, untill yesterday, it was almost rainy or cloudy. And temperture was low, around 5 degrees all the time. So I was so nervous. I had nathing to do without walking the city. Even in the rain, I was walking there.
In the rainy city, I found one interesting thing that is different from Japanese culture. Maybe someone know that Norty American people don't like to have an umbrella. In Canada, actually it's real. Two of three people don't have an umbrella. In my opinion, they prefer parka (jacket with hood), instead of an umbrella. In Calgary, more than harf people wear parka in the rain, and take a hood. They like parka, that's why, parka is common clothes in the world. Of course, in Japan also. But unfortunatelly, it just a fashion. Because Japanese people have an umbrella.
Last Sunday, I learned their style and I went out with only a rain jacket. As a result, it's,,, okay. A rain jacket kept my body dry. But jeans and shoes got wet. Actually it's not comfortable.
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Higher buildings was covered with cloud.

The bus with advertisement. All face are covered with ad...

The construction scene in the shopping mall. What's that pattern!?

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