I was kicked to the valley by Kicking Horse. Sunny day, nice day. Kicking Horse is near the town Golden that is just beside route 1 and going west 2 hours from Banff. Only 3or4 lifts and 1 gondola. But the mountains is bigger enough. Area is Wide and steep., or sometimes we can ride shoot that is between rocks. It can be nice especially in the day with lots of new snow. Just before lunch time, I tried to drop from small cliff. First moment which was the most steepest 5 or 6m was okay, but next, falling down on the bumpy and steep snow. Sliding or spinning down 10 seconds, 20m, 5 or 6 spins. omg... Fortunately or luckily I am fine now. But actually, just after crush I felt so strange feeling on my right arm. But even though that not so much new snow there and I had a really bad trouble, I enjoyed that day. Definitely I need to be there again in a powder day. And thanks Ronan, Mark and James that day!
キッキングホースに谷底に蹴り落とされた! 国道1号線沿いにバンフから西に向かって2時間のゴールデンという町にあるキッキングホース。3~4本のリフトにゴンドラ1本だけど、大きさは十分。広いエリアでかつ急な斜面。そして岩肌の間のシュートも滑れます。パウダースノーが降り積もった日にはなかなか面白いスキー場になりそう。昼ごはんの、ちょっと前に、小さいクリフからのドロップに挑戦したのだけど、最初の一瞬の5~6mは良かったのだけど、その後、急なボコボコ斜面に足を取られて転倒。滑り、転がり落ちること、10秒、20m、5~6回転。幸運なことに、怪我がなくて済みました。でも正直なところ、直後は腕の感覚がかなりおかしかったのだけど…。でも、そんなこんなで新雪が無く、大きなトラブルもあったにもかかわらず、いいスキー場だなって思えました。必ず、パウダースノーが降り積もる日にまた行かなくては。

The cliff I fell down.
